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Potentially Suitable


NOT Suitable

The production of large volumes of the highest phenolic nutraceutical grade EVOO has always been (up until now) very difficult to achieve and therefore always the subject of somewhat of a trade-off between …..

Quality (ppm)  Vs  Quantity (volume/yield).

Although only meant as a guide, the chart below clearly illustrate nature’s trade-off between …

Quality (ppm) Vs Quantity (volume/yield).


As illustrated above, when the oil yield increases by default the polyphenol ppm decrease.

The reason for this is that once the harvest season commences in mid August / early September, the clock starts ticking immediately… and as a natural product, the olives with each passing week continue on the path to their natural development and quickly start to ripen and become laden with oil.

Moreover – as the olives have the highest medicinal and phenolic nutraceutical attributes at the commencement of our harvest time, we work tirelessly to process ever higher quantities of early harvest young olives during this short production 10/12 weeks window.

Still, the critical difference is that unlike all the other existing extraction methods, our unique Cleanthi Alpha-Olenic extraction systems and patented technologies allow for the extraction of larger commercial volumes of continuous high phenolic nutraceutical grade EVOO…  ​all whilst simultaneously procuring the very best quality achievable.


With an ever-growing number of people discovering the health and wellness benefits of  Alpha-Olenic Olive Oil®, the demand for our ground-breaking Alpha-Olenic Olive Oil®, and the quantities we can process during this short production window, will always be limited and subject to shortages.

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It strongly promotes.

cardiovascular health

Olive oil is considered heart-healthy for (many) good reasons. In the frequently cited PREDIMED study, people who ate a Mediterranean-style diet that included 4+ tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil per day had a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and their combined risk for heart attack, stroke, and death from heart disease was around a 30% lower than people who ate a low-fat diet. EVOO has also been linked to improved cholesterol levels and reduced blood pressure. Oleic acid (the most abundant MUFA in all olive oil grades) and various polyphenols are likely to thank, given their ability to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, and modify cholesterol levels in the bloodstream.


Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is the

Healthiest Fat on Earth

Dietary fats are highly controversial, with debates about animal fats, seed oils, and everything in between in full force.
That said, most people agree that extra virgin olive oil is incredibly healthy.
Part of the Mediterranean diet, this traditional oil has been a dietary staple for some of the world’s healthiest populations.
Studies show that the fatty acids and antioxidants in olive oil can offer some powerful health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease.
This article reviews why extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest fats.


Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is the Healthiest Fat on Earth

Dietary fats are highly controversial, with debates about animal fats, seed oils, and everything in between in full force.
That said, most people agree that extra virgin olive oil is incredibly healthy.
Part of the Mediterranean diet, this traditional oil has been a dietary staple for some of the world’s healthiest populations.
Studies show that the fatty acids and antioxidants in olive oil can offer some powerful health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease.
This article reviews why extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest fats.


Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is the Healthiest Fat on Earth

Dietary fats are highly controversial, with debates about animal fats, seed oils, and everything in between in full force.
That said, most people agree that extra virgin olive oil is incredibly healthy.
Part of the Mediterranean diet, this traditional oil has been a dietary staple for some of the world’s healthiest populations.
Studies show that the fatty acids and antioxidants in olive oil can offer some powerful health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease.
This article reviews why extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest fats.


Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is the Healthiest Fat on Earth

Dietary fats are highly controversial, with debates about animal fats, seed oils, and everything in between in full force.
That said, most people agree that extra virgin olive oil is incredibly healthy.
Part of the Mediterranean diet, this traditional oil has been a dietary staple for some of the world’s healthiest populations.
Studies show that the fatty acids and antioxidants in olive oil can offer some powerful health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease.
This article reviews why extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest fats.


Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is the Healthiest Fat on Earth

Dietary fats are highly controversial, with debates about animal fats, seed oils, and everything in between in full force.
That said, most people agree that extra virgin olive oil is incredibly healthy.
Part of the Mediterranean diet, this traditional oil has been a dietary staple for some of the world’s healthiest populations.
Studies show that the fatty acids and antioxidants in olive oil can offer some powerful health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease.
This article reviews why extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest fats.


Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is the Healthiest Fat on Earth

Dietary fats are highly controversial, with debates about animal fats, seed oils, and everything in between in full force.
That said, most people agree that extra virgin olive oil is incredibly healthy.
Part of the Mediterranean diet, this traditional oil has been a dietary staple for some of the world’s healthiest populations.
Studies show that the fatty acids and antioxidants in olive oil can offer some powerful health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease.
This article reviews why extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest fats.


Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is the Healthiest Fat on Earth

Dietary fats are highly controversial, with debates about animal fats, seed oils, and everything in between in full force.
That said, most people agree that extra virgin olive oil is incredibly healthy.
Part of the Mediterranean diet, this traditional oil has been a dietary staple for some of the world’s healthiest populations.
Studies show that the fatty acids and antioxidants in olive oil can offer some powerful health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease.
This article reviews why extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest fats.